Dynamic Memory and Smart Pointers

Dynamic Memory

Dynamic memory in C++ is the memory assigned by programmer which locates on heap. Programmers are responsible for the life cycle of this memory, which means this memory will not be free unless programmer mannually free it.

Creation and free memory are caused by keyword new and delete.

int* intPtr = new int;  // for single variable.
int* arrPtr = new int[10];  // for Array.
  • new and delete must exist in pair.

Smart Pointer.

The idea of smart pointer is like a pointer with GC. We have two pointer class which are unique_ptr and shared_ptr.



Share ptr maintances a reference count for current pointer, once the value drop to 0, gc.


  • Basic usage of shared_ptr Imgur
          //make_share会隐式的调用new int(1024)并生成一个指向该地址的shared_ptr.
          shared_ptr<int> ptr = make_shared<int>(1024);
          cout << ptr.unique() << endl; //此处为True.
          // 调用了shared_ptr的explicit构造函数,生成一个新的shared_ptr对象,指向同一块地址
          shared_ptr<int> second(ptr);
          // output: 0x4e7130 0x4e7130,两个指向同一块地址
          cout << ptr << " " << second << endl;
              // 我们给ptr重新分配了一块地址,内容手动做了拷贝。
              ptr.reset(new int(*ptr));
          // output: 0x4e7140 0x4e7130, 指向不同地址
          cout << ptr << " " << second << endl;
          *ptr += 1024;
          // output: 2048 1024
          cout << *ptr << " " << *second << endl;
  • Another Example
      // use shared_ptr pointing to a variable
      std::shared_ptr<int> p = make_shared<int>(12);
      *p = 22;
      cout << *p << endl;
      // use shared_ptr pointing to a object.
      std::shared_ptr<string> ps = make_shared<string>();
      cout << ps << endl;
      std::shared_ptr<string> psEmpty;
      cout << psEmpty << endl;
      *ps = "asdfadsf";
      cout << *ps << endl;
      cout << *ps.get() << endl;
      cout << ps.get() << endl;
      // array calls delete[] to free so we must pass our own deleter.
      // Not good idea tp control array with smart pointer, better use vector.
      shared_ptr<int> parr(new int[10]{}, std::default_delete<int[]>());
      int* pt = parr.get();
      cout << pt[3] << endl;
      pt[3] = 5;
      cout << pt[3] << endl;


Once the object holding unique pointer gc, gc all recourses for unique pointer. Imgur

template<typename T>
Stack<T>::Stack(long size) {
    Stack::size = size;
    unique_ptr<T[]> temp(new T[size], std::default_delete<T[]>());
    stack = std::move(temp); // or use stack.reset(temp.release);
    cur = 0;


  1. C++ Primer edition 5, Chapter 12.