Binary tree is used to save the prefix sum of a array, it is not linear so and the O time complexity is O(lgN).

Structure of Binary Index Tree

Imgur C array is the binary index tree, A array is the element array. C[1]: 001, ending by 0 0s, v = 1 - 2^0 + 1, C[1] = A[1]
C[2]: 010, ending by 1 0, v = 2 - 2 ^ 1 + 1, C[2] = A[2] C[3]: 101, ending by 0 0, v = 3 - 2^0 + 1 = 3, C[3] = A[1] +A[2] + A[3] C[4]: 100, ending by 2 0s, v = 4- 2^2 + 1 = 1, C[4] = A[1] + A[2] + A[3] + A[4] v = index - 2 ^ (number of zeros at the end of the binary value) + 1.

Implementation of Binary index tree

  1. Structure
    index  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
    A      2  3  5  7  2  5  1  5
  2. Calculate the low bit value, which is 2 ^ n in previous expressions
    private int lowBit(int n){
     return n & (-n);
  3. Create the binaryIndexTree
    public int[] c;
    public int[] num;
    public BinaryIndexTree(int[] arr){
         c = new int[arr.length + 1];
         num = arr;
         for(int i = 1; i <= arr.length; i++){
             int lowBit = lowBit(i);
             int sum = 0;
             for(int j = i - lowBit(i) + 1; j <= i; j++){
                 sum += arr[j - 1];
             c[i] = sum;
  4. Calculate the sum of previous n terms
    public int sum(int n){
         int sum = 0;
         while(n > 0){
             sum += c[n];
             n -= lowBit(n);
         return sum;
  5. Update the tree
    public void update(int i, int val){
     int diff = val - num[i];
     this.num[i - 1] = val;
     while(i <= this.num.length){
         c[i] += diff;
         i += lowBit(i);


  1. (LeetCode 307) Range Sum Query - Mutable(树状数组讲解)