Optimizer and JIT Support

Please run with code.


In LLVM structure, optimizer is applied on IR codes and defined by passes.

Steps for optimization

  1. Initialize pass manager and add optimization passes.
    • Create a Function pass manager which is the container of passes.
    • Add passes to the manager.
    • Initialize the pass manager.
       void initializeModuleAndFPM(){
        theModules = llvm::make_unique<llvm::Module>("Seanforfun", llvmContext);
        theFPM = llvm::make_unique<llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManager>(theModules.get());
        //InstructionCombining - Combine instructions to form fewer, simple instructions.
        //Reassociate - This pass reassociates commutative expressions in an order that
        //is designed to promote better constant propagation
        //For example:  4 + (x + 5)  ->  x + (4 + 5)
        //Create a legacy GVN pass. This also allows parameterizing whether or not loads are eliminated by the pass.
        //CFGSimplification - Merge basic blocks, eliminate unreachable blocks,
        // simplify terminator instructions, convert switches to lookup tables, etc.
  2. Call Pass manager to optimize the function.

Create a simple pass

Follow the instruction from Writing an LLVM Pass.

  1. Create our Pass class inherit from Pass class.
     namespace {
         struct Hello: public FunctionPass{
             static char ID;
             Hello() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
            // The service of current pass
             bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override {
                 errs() << "Hello:";
                 errs().write_escaped(F.getName()) << "\n";
                 return false;
     char Hello::ID = 0;
     * Register current pass to PassManager.
     static RegisterPass<Hello> X("Hello", "Hello World", false, false);
     static RegisterStandardPasses Y(PassManagerBuilder::EP_EarlyAsPossible,
             [](const PassManagerBuilder &Builder,
                legacy::PassManagerBase &PM){
         PM.add(new Hello());
  2. Apply the pass with opt command
    • Create .bc file by compile
        clang -emit-llvm -o hello.bc -c hello.cpp
    • Run hello.bc file with pass


    • Get Run time analysis


JIT(Just in time) Compiler

The code for Kaleidoscope is represented in file KaleidoscopeJIT.h.

Learning tutorials for JIT will be offered later. Here I will follow current tutorial and embed the JIT to our compiler.

  • Prepare the environment to create code for the current native target and declare and initialize the JIT.
      //initialize the native target corresponding to the host.
      //initialize the native target asm printer.
      //initialize the native target asm parser
  • Set up the data layout for module, data layout is a class which represents the data format of the code.



  • JIT
    1. Add module to JIT(save function handler)
    2. For a function call, it will open a new module for creating the call expression.
    3. Call Function pointer to call the function.
      static void topLevelHandler(){
          if(auto pTop = parseTopLevel()) {
              if (auto* ir = pTop->codeGen()) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "Parsed a top level expression.\n");
                  auto H = theJIT->addModule(std::move(theModules));
                  auto exprSymbol = theJIT->findSymbol("__anon_expr");
                  assert(exprSymbol && "Function not found!");
                  double (*FP)() = (double (*)())(intptr_t)cantFail(exprSymbol.getAddress());
                  fprintf(stderr, "Evaluated to %f\n", FP());
          } else getNextToken();


  1. Writing an LLVM Pass