Backend | Redis| Data structure in Redis
by Botao Xiao
Redis| Data structure in Redis
Redis is a kind of NoSQL(Not only sql), which means redis is not a relation based database. Redis works on RAM so we always setup a redis server (not in the EE project) as a first level or second level database. In this post, I will include the five data structure that can be saved in Redis.
Five Data structrues in Redis
- String in Redis is a k-v saving format, there are three basic actions to redis: GET, SET, DEL.
- LIST: LIST is a bi-directional linkedlist, which is a container of elements. In the list, we can save duplicate strings.
- LPUSH/RPUSH: Allow us to push string into the list from left and right end.
- LPOP/RPOP: Allow us to pop string from left and right end.
- LINDEX: Get the string on index in the list.
- LRANGE: Return all of the elements in the given range. For example, lrange 0, -1 # 0 means the start of the list and -1 means the end of the current list.
- SET: Set data structure guaranteed that no dulicate string is contained. And very similary as set in Java, the strings saved in SET is unordered.
- SADD: Add string into the set.
- SREM: Remove string from the set.
- SISMEMBER: Check if one string is saved in the set, same as set.containsKey() in java.
- SMEMBERS: Show all members in current set. Since we need to traversal all strings in the set but we need to be very careful when using this command.
- HASH: Hash in redis represent the mapping between different Strings, Hash can be considered as a lite version of redis, and the values saved in hash can be either numbers or STRING. Same as hashMap, HASH in redis is unordered.
- HSET: put k-v values into the HASH.
- HGET: Get the value saved in HASH.
- HGETALL: Get all k-v pairs saved in current HASH.
- HDEL: Remove the element if given key exists in the HASH.
- ZSET: ZSET is very like HASH but it is sorted. Each element in the ZSET is a k-v pair and its key is a string while its value is a score(float). As a result, we can get value by key and get the key by value, which means both key and value in ZSET is unique.
- ZADD: Add element into zset
- ZRANGE: Get the elements that locate in the given range.
- ZRANGEBYSCORE: Get the elements that locate in the given score range.
- ZREM: Remove the element if it exists in the ZSET.
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