Data structure | Trie Tree 字典树
by Botao Xiao
Trie Tree
private class TrieNode{
boolean isLeaf; //确定当前节点是否可以成为单词的结尾。
TrieNode[] childs;
public TrieNode(){
childs = new TrieNode[26]; //对应26个字母。
- 插入
public void insert(String word){ int len = word.length(); TrieNode temp = root; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ int c = word.charAt(i) - 'a'; if(temp.childs[c] == null) temp.childs[c] = new TrieNode(); temp = temp.childs[c]; } temp.isLeaf = true; }
- 查找
public boolean contains(String word){ int len = word.length(); TrieNode temp = root; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ int c = word.charAt(i) - 'a'; if(temp.childs[c] == null) return false; temp = temp.childs[c]; } return temp.isLeaf; }
- 含有前缀
public boolean hasPrefix(String word){ int len = word.length(); TrieNode temp = root; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ int c = word.charAt(i) - 'a'; if(temp.childs[c] == null) return false; temp = temp.childs[c]; } return true; }
Leetcode Questions:
- 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
- 648. Replace Words
- 676. Implement Magic Dictionary
- 677. Map Sum Pairs
- 720. Longest Word in Dictionary
- 745. Prefix and Suffix Search
- The Time complexity of trie tree is O(l), where l is the number of characters.
- Space complexity: O(prefixes) = O(N * L), where N is the number of word and L is the length of each word.
- Questions are always related to String.
- Trie tree is still a kind of tree(graph), so we can apply dfs and bfs to it.
- We need to design our Node class according to the requirements from the questions.
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