Data structure | Undirected Graph 无向图
by Botao Xiao
无向图由边(edge)和顶点(vertex)组成。 当两个顶点通过一条边相连时我们称这两个顶点相邻。同时这条边依附于这两个顶点 某个顶点的度数为依附它的边的条数。
- 连通图
public interface Graph {
* @Description: Get the vertex number.
* @return
public int V();
* @Description: Get the edge number.
* @return
public int E();
* @Description: Create an edge between w and v.
* @param v
* @param w
public void addEdge(int v, int w);
* @Description: Get all vertex adjacent to v.
* @param v
* @return
public Iterable<Integer> adj(int v);
* @Description: Return degree of given vertex.
* @param G
* @param V
* @return
static Integer degree(Graph G, int V){
Integer degree = new Integer(0);
for(int w : G.adj(V)) degree++;
return degree;
* @Description: Find the largest degree in the graph
* @param G
* @param V
* @return
static int maxDegree(Graph G, int V){
int max = 0;
for(int w : G.adj(V) )
if(w > max)
max = w;
return max;
* @Description: Calculate the average degree for all vertex.
* @param G
* @return
static double avgDegree(Graph G){
return 2 * G.E() / G.V();
* @Description: Get the number of selt loop.
* @param G
* @param V
* @return
static int numOfSelfLoop(Graph G, int V){
int num = 0;
int vNum = G.V();
for(int v = 0; v < vNum; v++ )
for(int w : G.adj(v))
if(w == v)
num ++;
return num/2; //w,v and v,w will both be counted.
* @Description: Print a graph.
default void display(){
int vertexNum = this.V();
for(int v = 0; v < vertexNum; v++){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(v + " -> ");
for(int w : adj(v))
sb.append(w + "");
public class UndirectedGraph implements Graph {
private final int V; //vertex
private int E; //edge
private Bag<Integer>[] adj; //adjacency table.
public UndirectedGraph(int V) {
this.V = V;
adj = new ListBag[V];
for(int v = 0; v < V; v++)
adj[v] = new ListBag<>();
public UndirectedGraph(FileInputStream in){ //Read graph from file.
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in);
this.V = scanner.nextInt();
adj = new ListBag[V];
for(int v = 0; v < V; v++)
adj[v] = new ListBag<>();
int E = scanner.nextInt();
for(int e = 0; e < E; e++){
int v = scanner.nextInt();
int w = scanner.nextInt();
addEdge(v, w);
public int V() { return V; }
public int E() { return 0; }
public void addEdge(int v, int w) { //Add a connection between v and w.
public Iterable<Integer> adj(int v) { //Return a list that the certex connected to.
return adj[v];
public interface Search {
* @Description: If s and v are connected.
* @param v
* @return
public boolean mark(int v);
* @Description: Number of vertex connected to source.
* @return
public int count();
- 之所以使用抽象类是为了减少重复定义图的构造器方法,而构造器是无法在接口中通过default实现的。
public abstract class AbstractSearch implements Search { protected final Graph g; protected final int s; //source点 public AbstractSearch(Graph g, int s) { this.g = g; this.s = s; } }
通过加权并查集实现的Seach类: UFSearch
public class UFSearch extends AbstractSearch {
private final UF uf;
public UFSearch(Graph g, int s) {
super(g, s);
this.uf = new UF(g.V());
//Insert connections into the UF.
for(int v = 0; v < g.V(); v++){
for(int w : g.adj(v)){
if(uf.connected(v, w)) continue;
else uf.union(v, w);
public boolean mark(int v) {
return uf.connected(super.s, v);
public int count() {
return uf.size[super.s];
private final class UF{ //定义了一个内部final私有类UF,其为加权并查集的实现。
private final int N;
private final int[] a; //并查集数组
private final int[] size; //当前结点的子结点的数量。
public UF(int N){
this.N = N;
a = new int[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) a[i] = i;
size = new int[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) size[i] = 1;
public int find(int v){
if(a[v] == v) return v;
else return find(a[v]);
public void union(int p, int q){
int qRoot = find(q); //分别找到p和q的根路径
int pRoot = find(p);
if(pRoot == qRoot) return;
if(size[qRoot] < size[pRoot]){ //比较子树数量,连接到更大的树上以减小树得深度
a[qRoot] = pRoot;
size[pRoot] += size[qRoot];
}else{ //size[qRoot] >= size[pRoot]
a[pRoot] = qRoot;
size[qRoot] += size[pRoot];
public boolean connected(int p, int q){
return find(q) == find(p);
Graph g = new UndirectedGraph(new FileInputStream(new File("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/tinyG.txt")));
Search search = new UFSearch(g, 3);
- 结果
false 0 -> 6 2 1 5 1 -> 0 2 -> 0 3 -> 5 4 4 -> 5 6 3 5 -> 3 4 0 6 -> 0 4 7 -> 8 8 -> 7 9 -> 11 10 12 10 -> 9 11 -> 9 12 12 -> 11 9
深度优先查找DFSearch, DFPath
public class DeepFirstSearch extends AbstractSearch {
private boolean[] marked; //A array used to mark if current node is connected to s
private int count; //number of vertex connected to s
public DeepFirstSearch(Graph g, int s) {
super(g, s);
marked = new boolean[g.V()];
dfs(g, s);
private void dfs(Graph g, int v){
marked[v] = true; //It means current vertex has been accessed.
count++; //update the number of vertex connected to s.
for(int w : g.adj(v))
if(!marked[w]) dfs(g, w); //Check all point connected to v, if not accessed, access recursively.
public boolean mark(int v) {
return marked[v];
public int count() {
return this.count;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Graph g = new UndirectedGraph(new FileInputStream(new File("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/tinyG.txt")));
Search search = new DeepFirstSearch(g, 12);
- 结果
true 4
- 定义路径的接口函数
public interface Path {
- @Description: If there is a path from s to v
- @param v
- @return */ public boolean hasPathTo(int v); /**
- @Description: Return the path from s to v if it exists and return null if not existing.
- @param v
- @return
pathTo(int v); } ```
- 抽象类
public abstract class AbstractPath implements Path { protected final Graph g; protected final int s; public AbstractPath(Graph g, int s) { super(); this.g = g; this.s = s; }; }
- 深度优先查找路径
public class DepthFirstPath extends AbstractPath { private boolean[] marked; //If current vertex has been accessed. private int[] edgeTo; //Record the path from that point to s. public DepthFirstPath(Graph g, int s) { super(g, s); marked = new boolean[g.V()]; edgeTo = new int[g.V()]; dfs(g, s); } @Override public boolean hasPathTo(int v) { return marked[v]; } @Override public Iterable<Integer> pathTo(int v) { if(true == hasPathTo(v)){ //存入的时候是逆序,读取的时候需要顺序,所以LIFO的队列最为合适,使用栈 MyStack<Integer> path = new ListStack<>(); do { path.push(v); v = edgeTo[v]; } while (v != s); return path; } return null; } private void dfs(Graph g, int v){ marked[v] = true; for(int w : g.adj(v)){ //All vertex connected to v if(!marked[w]){ //If current vertex has not been accessed, we mark it and save the previous vertex to current vertex. edgeTo[w] = v; dfs(g, w); } } } }
- 测试
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Graph g = new UndirectedGraph(new FileInputStream(new File("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/tinyCG.txt"))); Path p = new DepthFirstPath(g, 0); Iterable<Integer> path = p.pathTo(1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0"); for(Integer pnode : path){ sb.append("->" + pnode); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); }
- 广度优先用于寻找最短路径。
- 深度优先(DFP)所寻找到的路径是通过递归调用寻找到路径,递归调用的路径返回是根据adjacency table中的链表的显示顺序。所以返回的值不一定是最短的。
- 广度优先查找定义了相邻的所有顶点,再找到相邻两个,以此类推。
public class BreadthFirstPath extends AbstractPath{ private final boolean[] marked; private final int[] edgeTo; public BreadthFirstPath(Graph g, int s) { super(g, s); marked = new boolean[g.V()]; edgeTo = new int[g.V()]; bfs(g, s); } @Override public boolean hasPathTo(int v) { return marked[v]; } @Override public Iterable<Integer> pathTo(int v) { MyStack<Integer> stack = new ListStack<>(); do { stack.push(v); v = edgeTo[v]; } while (v != s); return stack; } private void bfs(Graph g, int s){ LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer> q = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>(); marked[s] = true; q.add(s); while(!q.isEmpty()){ Integer v = q.poll(); //从队列中读取下一个顶点并对其遍历相邻顶点。 for(int w : g.adj(v)){ if(!marked[w]){ //Current vertex is not accessed. q.add(w); //如果相邻的顶点没有被访问过,就将它加入队列中。 edgeTo[w] = v; marked[w] = true; } } } } }
- 测试
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Graph g = new UndirectedGraph(new FileInputStream(new File("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/tinyCG.txt"))); Path p = new BreadthFirstPath(g, 0); Iterable<Integer> path = p.pathTo(4); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0"); for(Integer pnode : path){ sb.append("->" + pnode); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); }
连通分量 Connection Component
无向图G的极大连通子图称为G的连通分量( Connected Component)。任何连通图的连通分量只有一个,即是其自身,非连通的无向图有多个连通分量。
- 接口
public interface ConnectionComponent {
- @Description: If v and w are connected.
- @param v
- @param w
- @return */ public boolean connected(int v, int w); /**
- @Description: Number of cc in current graph.
- @return */ public int count(); /**
- @Description: Identification of connection component.
- @param v
- @return */ public int id(int v); } ```
- 抽象类
public abstract class AbstractCC implements ConnectionComponent { protected final Graph g; public AbstractCC(Graph g){ this.g = g; } }
- 基于DFS的实现
public class DFSCC extends AbstractCC { private boolean[] marked; private int[] id; private int count; public DFSCC(Graph g) { super(g); marked = new boolean[g.V()]; id = new int[g.V()]; for(int v = 0; v < g.V(); v++) //Traversal all of vertex if not accessed if(!marked[v]){ //Current vertex is not accessed. dfs(g, v); count++; } } @Override public boolean connected(int v, int w) { return id[w] == id[v]; } @Override public int count() { return this.count; } @Override public int id(int v) { return id[v]; } private void dfs(Graph g, int v){ marked[v] = true; id[v] = count; //assign current count to this vertex as id. for(int w : g.adj(v)) if(!marked[w]) dfs(g, w); } }
- 测试
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Graph g = new UndirectedGraph(new FileInputStream(new File("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/tinyG.txt"))); DFSCC cc = new DFSCC(g); int ccNum = cc.count(); System.out.println("Number of cc: " + ccNum); Bag<Integer>[] bag = new ListBag[ccNum]; //Create bag array to save all connection components. for(int i = 0; i < ccNum; i++) bag[i] = new ListBag<>(); for(int i = 0; i < g.V(); i++) bag[].add(i); //Add vertex into bag. for(int i = 0; i < ccNum; i++){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(i + ": "); for(int v : bag[i]) sb.append(v + " "); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } }
Number of cc: 3 0: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1: 8 7 2: 12 11 10 9
- 图中的顶点都是int型,所以我们制作一张哈希表存储符号(字符串)和值之间的关系。
```Java public interface SymbolGraph { /**
- @Description: Is key a vertex.
- @param key
- @return */ public boolean contains(String key); /**
- @Description: Index of key.
- @param key
- @return */ public int index(String key); /**
- @Description: name of v in symbol table
- @param v
- @return */ public String name(int v); /**
- @Description: Get the anonymous graph object.
- @return */ public Graph G(); } ```
public class SymbolGraphImpl implements SymbolGraph {
private final Map<String, Integer> st;
private String[] keys;
private final Graph G;
public SymbolGraphImpl(String file, String sp) throws FileNotFoundException {
st = new HashMap<>();
//fulfill the symbol table
Scanner scanner = null;
try {
scanner = new Scanner(new File(file)); //将每个顶点都加入符号表
int count = 0;
String[] tokens = scanner.nextLine().split(sp);
for(String t : tokens){
if(!st.containsKey(t)){ //If not contains token then put it into the st.
st.put(t, count++);
keys = new String[st.size()]; //没有办法之间用(String[])st.keySet.toArray(),只能通过遍历将每一个顶点的符号复制。
for(String name : st.keySet()){
keys[st.get(name)] = name;
// Create graph
G = new UndirectedGraph(st.size());
//Add edges
Scanner scanner2 = null;
scanner2 = new Scanner(new File(file));
String[] tokens = scanner2.nextLine().split(sp);
for(int i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++){
int v = st.get(tokens[0]);
G.addEdge(v, st.get(tokens[i]));
public boolean contains(String key) { return st.containsKey(key); }
public int index(String key) { return st.get(key); }
public String name(int v) { return keys[v]; }
public Graph G() { return G; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
SymbolGraphImpl symbolGraphImpl = new SymbolGraphImpl("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/movies.txt", "/");
Graph graph = symbolGraphImpl.G();
int vertexNum = graph.V();
for(int v = 0; v < vertexNum; v++){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( + " -> ");
for(int w : graph.adj(v))
sb.append( + " ");
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { SymbolGraphImpl symbolGraphImpl = new SymbolGraphImpl("src/ca/mcmaster/chapter/four/graph/movies.txt", "/"); Graph graph = symbolGraphImpl.G(); int vertexNum = graph.V(); for(int v = 0; v < vertexNum; v++){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( + " -> "); for(int w : graph.adj(v)) sb.append( + "|"); } //Use BFS to find the shorted path. BreadthFirstPath bfs = new BreadthFirstPath(graph, symbolGraphImpl.index("Bacon, Kevin")); Iterable<Integer> pathTo = bfs.pathTo(symbolGraphImpl.index("Kidman, Nicole")); System.out.println("Bacon, Kevin"); for(int w : pathTo){ System.out.println(; } }
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