132. Palindrome Partitioning II
by Botao Xiao
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.
Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s.
Input: "aab"
Output: 1
Explanation: The palindrome partitioning ["aa","b"] could be produced using 1 cut.
- 首先尝试了通过回溯实现这道题,思想应该是对的,但是超时,无法AC。
class Solution { private int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public int minCut(String s) { if(s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.length() == 1) return 0; backtrace(s, 0, 0); return result - 1; } private void backtrace(String s, int res, int index){ if(index == s.length()){ result = Math.min(this.result, res); }else{ for(int i = index + 1; i <= s.length(); i++){ String sub = s.substring(index, i); if(isPalindrome(sub)){ backtrace(s, res + 1, i); } } } } private boolean isPalindrome(String s){ int len = s.length(); if(len == 0 || len == 1) return true; int low = -1, high = len; char[] arr = s.toCharArray(); while(low < high){ if(++low < len && --high >= 0) if(arr[low] != arr[high]) return false; } return true; } }
- 使用DP实现这道题,参考了Discussion。
class Solution { public int minCut(String s) { if(s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.length() == 1) return 0; int len = s.length(); // 用于存储从第一个index到第二个index是否是回文的。 boolean[][] dp = new boolean[len][len]; int[] cut = new int[len]; int min = 0; char[] arr = s.toCharArray(); for(int end = 0; end < len; end++){ min = end; for(int start = 0; start <= end; start++){ // 当首字符和尾字符相同时, 此时我们通过(start + 1 > end - 1)证明当前指向的是某个字符本身,或者其中包含的字符是回文的(dp[start + 1][end - 1]) // 这就说明从当前的start到end是回文的。 if(arr[end] == arr[start] && (start + 1 > end - 1 || dp[start + 1][end - 1])){ dp[start][end] = true; if(start == 0) min = 0; // 鉴于start到end的字符串是回文的,所以最坏的可能性就是cut[start - 1](前面的字符串需要分割的最小次数) + 1(为了分割当前的字符串) else min = Math.min(min, cut[start - 1] + 1); } } cut[end] = min; } return cut[len - 1]; } }
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