
Write a SQL query to find all numbers that appear at least three times consecutively.

| Id | Num |
| 1  |  1  |
| 2  |  1  |
| 3  |  1  |
| 4  |  2  |
| 5  |  1  |
| 6  |  2  |
| 7  |  2  |

For example, given the above Logs table, 1 is the only number that appears consecutively for at least three times.

| ConsecutiveNums |
| 1               |


  1. 实际上一张表完全可以和自身进行匹配。
  2. 我们可以使用该表和自身进行匹配。
    # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT DISTINCT l1.Num as ConsecutiveNums
    FROM Logs l1, Logs l2, Logs l3
    WHERE l2.Id = l1.Id - 1 and l3.Id = l1.Id - 2 and l1.Num = l2.Num and l3.Num = l1.Num;
  3. 使用变量
  4. 记得FROM以后一定是接着一张表, 所以即使是我们查找出来的表结构,我们也要使用AS字段将查找结果变成一张新的表结构。
    # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT DISTINCT Num AS ConsecutiveNums
    FROM (
     SELECT Num, @count := IF(Num = @pre, @count + 1, 1) AS cc, @pre := Num
     FROM Logs, (SELECT @count := 0, @pre := -1) AS init
    ) AS t
    WHERE > 2;


  1. leetcode 180. Consecutive Numbers