224. Basic Calculator
by Botao Xiao
224. Basic Calculator
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.
The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces .
Example 1:
Input: "1 + 1"
Output: 2
Example 2:
Input: " 2-1 + 2 "
Output: 3
Example 3:
Input: "(1+(4+5+2)-3)+(6+8)"
Output: 23
- Method 1:
- 通过while读取出所有的数字。
- 维护一个sign变量。维护一个res变量,用于存储当前段(在同一个括号内)的值。
- 当遇到+/-时,更新sign变量。
- 遇到(时,将当前的res和sign入栈。
- 当遇到)时,读出sign和括号外部的res,进行计算。
class Solution {
public int calculate(String s) {
if(s == null || s.length() == 0) return 0;
int sign = 1;
int result = 0;
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
int len = s.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
char c = s.charAt(i);
int num = c - '0';
while(i + 1 < len && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i + 1))){
num = num * 10 + s.charAt(++i) - '0';
result += num * sign;
}else if(c == '+'){
sign = 1;
}else if(c == '-'){
sign = -1;
}else if(c == '('){
result = 0;
sign = 1;
}else if(c == ')'){
sign = stack.pop();
result = stack.pop() + sign * result;
return result;
- Refer to previous answer.
class Solution { public int calculate(String s) { char[] arr = s.toCharArray(); Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); int sign = 1; int result = 0; int len = arr.length; for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ char c = arr[i]; if(Character.isDigit(c)){ int num = c - '0'; while(i + 1 < len && Character.isDigit(arr[i + 1])) num = num * 10 + (arr[++i] - '0'); result += num * sign; }else if(c == '+'){ sign = 1; }else if(c == '-'){ sign = -1; }else if(c == '('){ stack.push(result); stack.push(sign); result = 0; sign = 1; }else if(c == ')'){ sign = stack.pop(); result = stack.pop() + sign * result; } } return result; } }
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