264. Ugly Number II
by Botao Xiao
Write a program to find the n-th ugly number. Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5.
Input: n = 10
Output: 12
Explanation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 is the sequence of the first 10 ugly numbers.
- Method 1:
- Ugly number的定义是分解质因数都是2,3,5.
- 我们设计一个数组用于存储丑数,初始化为1.
- 将每个位置的数字x2, x3, x5,取出最小值。
- 维护三个index,表示当前对于哪个数字进行乘法运算。
class Solution {
public boolean isUgly(int num) {
if(num == 1) return true;
if(num <= 0) return false;
if(num == 2 || num == 5 || num == 3) return true;
if(num % 2 == 0) return isUgly(num / 2);
if(num % 3 == 0) return isUgly(num / 3); //使用if可以去重。
if(num % 5 == 0) return isUgly(num / 5);
return false;
Second time
- This question can be solved by dp
- except for 1, all the other values in dp array should be 2,3 or 5 multipling a previous value in the array.
- We hold three indices for 2, 3 and 5 so we can know what is the “current” value this value is multipling to.
- For each index in dp array, we have a change to select which numbers(may duplicate) by comparing the value, and easy to understand, dp[i] save the minimum number hold by (2, 3, 5).
class Solution { public int nthUglyNumber(int n) { int[] dp = new int[n + 1]; dp[0] = 1; int index2 = 0, index3 = 0, index5 = 0; int factor2 = 2, factor3 = 3, factor5 = 5; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ dp[i] = Math.min(factor2, Math.min(factor3, factor5)); if(dp[i] == factor2) factor2 = dp[++index2] * 2; if(dp[i] == factor3) factor3 = dp[++index3] * 3; if(dp[i] == factor5) factor5 = dp[++index5] * 5; } return dp[n - 1]; } }
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