784. Letter Case Permutation
by Botao Xiao
784. Letter Case Permutation
Given a string S, we can transform every letter individually to be lowercase or uppercase to create another string. Return a list of all possible strings we could create.
Input: S = "a1b2"
Output: ["a1b2", "a1B2", "A1b2", "A1B2"]
Input: S = "3z4"
Output: ["3z4", "3Z4"]
Input: S = "12345"
Output: ["12345"]
- S will be a string with length between 1 and 12.
- S will consist only of letters or digits.
- Method 1: backtrace
- Maintain a temp variable to hold state, can use List or StringBuilder.
- Add current possible variable to temp.
- backtrace
- remove current variable from temp and put next possible variable.
class Solution { public List<String> letterCasePermutation(String S) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); if(S.length() == 0){ result.add(""); return result; } dfs(result, S.toCharArray(), 0, new StringBuilder()); return result; } private void dfs(List<String> result, char[] arr, int index, StringBuilder sb){ if(index == arr.length){ result.add(sb.toString()); }else if(index < arr.length){ if(arr[index] >= '0' && arr[index] <= '9'){ sb.append(arr[index]); dfs(result, arr, index + 1, sb); sb.deleteCharAt(index); }else{ sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(arr[index])); dfs(result, arr, index + 1, sb); sb.deleteCharAt(index); sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(arr[index])); dfs(result, arr, index + 1, sb); sb.deleteCharAt(index); } } } }
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