
  1. Git, to download source code and related materials.
  2. LLVM source code, from its github mirror.
  3. cmake, tool to compile and install LLVM.
  4. Clang, compiler created with LLVM. We can have this source code for clang from its github mirror.

Download source code for LLVM realated projects

  1. Download source code from github.
     git clone
  2. Add Clang to LLVM tools
     cp -rf clang ./llvm/tools
  3. Compile and install LLVM, need to be attention that LLVM cannot be compiled in root of program, so we need to create a directory build.
     mkdir build
     cd build
     make -j10 # modify accourding to your cpu lcore number.
     make install
  4. Add ENVIRONMENT to bash file. e.g export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/llvm/include

My Installation Script, run in administrator

# !/bin/bash
# This is a bash file to install LLVM on unbuntu. Run in administrator mode(root).

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo STEP 1: Preparation. Update apt and install Cmake and git
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
apt update
apt install cmake
apt install git
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo STEP 2: Download source code of LLVM.
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Please change to your desired directory from root.
if [ ! -d '$LLVM_ROOT' ];then
    mkdir $LLVM_ROOT
	echo [$LLVM_ROOT] has already existed.
	exit 1
git clone
cd llvm-project
cp -rf clang ./llvm/tools
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo STEP 3: Compile and install LLVM
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cd ./llvm
mkdir build
cd build
make -j10 # modify accourding to your cpu lcore number.
make install